Monday, January 2, 2012

Pursuing Peace - Day 2

For the second consecutive day this year, my motivation for accomplishing anything other than breathing in and out came from the Inspirational Ms. Debbie. Last night the boys were with their dad so I slept on the couch in front of the Christmas tree and watched, "Meet Me in St. Louis", which were the last two items on my holiday to-do list. When I woke up this morning, I was sorely lacking in motivation...and my back was broken...okay, not broken exactly, but definitely out-of-whack. And given that I hadn't taken my thryoid meds for two days, it was looking like one of those days when I was probably going to have to mainline Diet Coke.

The word of the day was no help whatsoever; apparently, the word"fetor" means, "a strong and offensive odor." Which was actually appropo, given that I never showered yesterday! also offered little wisdom on this fine Monday, because I have absolutely no interest in living my best life in 52 weekly installments. So, I lumbered in and out of the shower, actually brushed my teeth AND dried my hair, before putting on a clean pair of pajama pants, that can double as loungewear, if necessary. It was at this moment that I received a text from the Divine.

No! not Bette Miller or the working girl hired by Hugh Grant, but the Divine Ms. Debbie. Who casually informed me that she probably would not be able to go for a walk with me today because she was "directing the choir for a funeral before I take my mother-in-law to the hospital to visit my father-in-law who has had pneumonia since Saturday." Alrighty then...message received loud and clear from the Universe via Verizon. Apprently, I was being instructed to get off my expansive derriere and accomplish something...without any further bitching!

So today, I am gratified to report that I found Peace through Perseverance; not because I felt like doing the tasks, but because I did the tasks regardless of my feelings. Honestly, I don't think I completed any task except getting the clean sheets on the beds. But I made progress in a million different directions and in 2012, making forward progress directly correlates with letting my efforts Be Enough. And as is often the case, along the way I was rewarded with moments of magic.

 The pageantry, imagination and tradition of the Tournament of Roses Parade. Beginning work on a surprise for Jackson when he graduates from 5th grade. Relishing life in a town small that when I called in a prescription at 1:10 PM to a pharmacy that apparently closed at 12:00 noon, they recognized my home phone number and had the meds ready for pick up at 1:39pm. Listening to the laughter and negotiations of the neighborhood boys who worked fervently to build a ramp and then spent hours jumping their bikes and boasting.

But most impressively, I obliterated both of my children at Just Dance 3, because I am smart enough to figure out that you score points by moving your arms and hands, whether your feet are in sync or not. And for today, that is more than Enough.

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